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30 degrees

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Q: What angle do the hands of a clock form at 11 o clock?
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What is the angle of the hands of a clock at 7.35?

Angle between the hands of a clock=|11M-60H|/2i.e. M-Minutes=35(here)H- Hours=7(here)∴ The angle b/w hands of a clock=|11*35-60*7|/2=17.5°

From noon to midnight how many times do the hands of the clock form a straight line?

The hands of the clock will form a straight line 12 times.

What is the angle of the hands of a clock at 6.30?

At 6:30, the hands of a clock form a straight angle (180 degrees). At 6.00 the hands will be straight (180 degrees), at 6.30 the minute hand will be pointing at 6, the hour hand will be midway between 6 and 7 so the angle will be 15 degrees.

What is the measure of the acute angle formed by the hands of a 12-hour clock that reads exactly 1 o' clock?


How many degrees in eleven hours?

Assuming you mean the angle of the hands of a clock set at 11. the smaller angle would be 30 degrees, and the larger would be 330 degrees.

At what time do the hands of a clock form an acute angle?

Who has an analog clock anymore? The Large Hand is on 12 and the Small hand is on 10. Since there are face is divided into 12 major parts, then the angle is portion of defined by the hands are: 12 - 10 / 12 = 2/12 = 1/6 of a full circle 1/6 X 360 = 60 Degrees.

Which hour do clock hands not meet?

11 AM and PM. When hands finally meet, it's 12:00.

How many right angle in clock between 4pm to 10pm?


How many hours are there when the hands of the clock form an obtuse angle?

Assumption we are talking simply about when the hour first is approached - i.e. what o'clocks do the hands form obtuse angle. If it is a 12 hour clock then the answer is every hour after 3 o'clock and before 9 o'clock, i.e. 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock. If it is a 24 hour clock (they do exist) then the answer is every hour after 6 o'clock and before 18 o'clock, i.e. 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock, 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock , 13 o'clock ,14 o'clock ,15 o'clock , 16 o'clock , 17 o'clock

How many times do the hands of a clock overlap in 12 hours?

They overlap 11 times.

When the hands of the clock are opposite to each other between 4 and 5?


How do you calculate the angle formed by the hands of the clock at 3 oclock 5 oclock 11 oclock?

get yourself a cartesian circle, or just look at one online and translate it from there 3,6,9, and 12 would all be 90 deg increments.