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Using sparse matrices to store data that contains a large number of zero-valued elements can both save a significant amount of memory and speed up the processing of that data. sparse is an attribute that you can assign to any two-dimensional MATLAB matrix that is composed of double or logical elements.

The sparse attribute allows MATLAB to:

  • Store only the nonzero elements of the matrix, together with their indices.

  • Reduce computation time by eliminating operations on zero elements.

For full matrices, MATLAB stores every matrix element internally. Zero-valued elements require the same amount of storage space as any other matrix element. For sparse matrices, however, MATLAB stores only the nonzero elements and their indices. For large matrices with a high percentage of zero-valued elements, this scheme significantly reduces the amount of memory required for data storage.

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Q: What are advantages of a sparse matrix?
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What is a sparse matrix?

A sparse matrix is a matrix in which most of the elements are zero.

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A sparse matrix is one which normally contains a large proportion of elements whose value is 0. There is no exact proportion at which a matrix becomes sparse.

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A sparse matrix is matrix that allows special techniques to take advantage of large number of zero element. Application of sparse matrix is classification and relationship analysis in large data base system - SPARCOM

How can I use MATLAB to view a specific value in a sparse matrix?

To view a specific value in a sparse matrix using MATLAB, you can use the command full(matrix(row, column)) where matrix is your sparse matrix and row and column are the indices of the value you want to view. This command converts the sparse matrix to a full matrix and allows you to access the specific value at the given row and column.

Define sparse matrix?

A matrix that have one or more elements with value zero.

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what is the disadvantage of sparse matrix?

What are sparse matrixes?

A sparse matrix is an array with more zero values than non-zero values.

What is a sparse matrix in c programming?

Sparse matirx can be represented 1-dimensionally, by creating a array of structures, that have members sumc as: Struct RM{int ROW,int COL, int non_zero}; struct RM SM[Number_non_Zeros +1]; then input row,col for each non-zero element of the sparse matrix. if still unclear please fell free to requestion or query on, specifying clearly the question in the subject. Chinmaya N. Padhy (IKIT)

Write a program to print the sum of a sparse matrix?

This is a directive, not a question.

Transpose matrix in data structure?

DataStructure-Program to transpose a sparse matrix.#include #include #include #define MAX1 3#define MAX2 3struct sparse{int *sp ;int row ;} ;void initsparse ( struct sparse * ) ;void create_array ( struct sparse * ) ;void display ( struct sparse ) ;int count ( struct sparse ) ;void create_tuple ( struct sparse *, struct sparse ) ;void display_tuple ( struct sparse ) ;void transpose ( struct sparse *, struct sparse ) ;void display_transpose ( struct sparse ) ;void delsparse ( struct sparse * ) ;void main( ){struct sparse s[3] ;int c, i ;for ( i = 0 ; i sp = ( int * ) malloc ( MAX1 * MAX2 * sizeof ( int ) ) ;for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX1 * MAX2 ; i++ ){printf ( "Enter element no. %d:", i ) ;scanf ( "%d", &n ) ;* ( p -> sp + i ) = n ;}}/* displays the contents of the matrix */void display ( struct sparse s ){int i ;/* traverses the entire matrix */for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX1 * MAX2 ; i++ ){/* positions the cursor to the new line for every new row */if ( i % MAX2 0 )printf ( "\n" ) ;printf ( "%d\t", * ( p.sp + i ) ) ;}}/* deallocates memory */void delsparse ( struct sparse *p ){free ( p -> sp ) ;}