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A numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression (e.g., 4 in 4xy).

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Q: What are coefficients of an expression?
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What is the coefficients 15b plus 23b plus 10?

In the expression '15b + 23b + 10', the coefficients are 15, 23, and 10.If you simplify the expression to '38b + 10", then the coefficients are 38 and 10.

What is the meaning of rational algebraic expression?

A rational algebraic expression is the ratio of two polynomials, each with rational coefficients. By suitable rescaling, both the polynomials can be made to have integer coefficients.

Match each binomial expression with the set of coefficients of the terms obtained by expanding the expression. Note: Each set of coefficients is listed in the correct order?

Binomial sometimes can extend to get the right results or correct order

What are the two kinds of coefficients?

In terms of mathematics, a coefficient plays the role of a multiplicative factor in a series or an expression. The two different kinds of coefficients include numbers and letters.

What is the coefficients of the expression 8-5x-4 plus 3x?

-5 & 3

What is an expression that contains only coefficients?

An expression cannot contain only coefficients; a coefficient inplies the presence of a variable as well. If all variables are removed, only constants may remain and are usually grouped into a single constant.

What do coefficients stand for?

Coefficients don't 'stand' for anything. They are numbers which multiply variables. For instance, in the expression 3 x + 2, three is the coefficient of x.

What are the coefficients of the sin 5 x?

the coefficient of the expression is 1 the coeffficient of the variable is 5

What is Coefficients used for?

In the expression 2x, the 2 is the coefficient. It tells you how many of the x you need.

What is the definition of numerical coefficent?

In an algebraic expression these are the coefficients that are numbers.the 2 in 2cthe 3 in x3b

How many coefficients are in the expression 3x( raised to the power of 2) - 3(y - 8)?


How would you differentiate rational algebraic expressions from those which are not?

The coefficients in a rational expression would be rational numbers.