Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 4, 4:8 is equal to 1:2.
No, they are not equivalent ratios. To make them equivalent, The second one should be 16 to 8.
1:2, 2:4, 4:8, 6:12 a equivalent ratios compares units that are the same.
There are four equivalent ratios of the numbers 8 to 32. The four equivalent ratios are 4/16, 8/12, 7/1 and 3/5.
2 to 8, 3 to 12, and 4 to 16
three equivalent ratios for 6 to 2 are 12 to 4 and 18 to 6 and also 24 to 8. basically if you multiply both numbers by the same thing you will get an equivalent ratio.
No, they are not equivalent ratios. To make them equivalent, The second one should be 16 to 8.
3 equivalent ratios for 4:8 are 75:150, 50:100 and 3:6
1:2, 2:4, 4:8, 6:12 a equivalent ratios compares units that are the same.
3 to 4
There are four equivalent ratios of the numbers 8 to 32. The four equivalent ratios are 4/16, 8/12, 7/1 and 3/5.
To compare we have to calculate the ratios in simplest form. The ratios of 6 /8 =3/4.and 8/10 =4/5 . and we can say 4/5 is not equal to 3/4.
It could be 8 and 10
30 : 40 and 33 : 44 are two possible equivalent ratios.
4:8 1:2 2:4 3:6
2 to 8, 3 to 12, and 4 to 16
2 to 4, 4 to 8, 5 to 10