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Q: What are the names of the parts of a multiplication problem?
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The parts of a multiplication problem?

Multiplicand Multiplier Product

Name the parts of a multiplication problem?

Multiplicand Multiplier Product

What are the three parts of multiplication problem?

Multiplicand Multiplier Product

What is an answer in a multiplication problem?

A product. The other two parts are the multiplicand and the multiplier.

What do you call an answer to a multiplication problem?

A product is an answer to a multiplication problem.

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parts of the multiplication sente nce?

What is the name of the answer of a multiplication problem?

The answer to a multiplication problem is called the product.

How can you end a multiplication word problem?

The answer to a multiplication problem is the product.

What are the part of multiplication?

What are the parts of multiplication.The numbers being multiplied are called "factors" or "multiplicands". The result is the "product"The names and order they go in are: multiplicand, multiplier, and the answer to the multiplication problem is: product.ORif 3 x 5 = 15; 3 is the multiplicand, 5 is the multiplier and 15 is the product.Factors are what are multiplied to get a product (the result).

What is the answer to an multiplication problem called?

The answer to a multiplication problem is called a product.

What is thew answer to multiplication problem?

the multiplication of two numbers is called a factor the answer to a multiplication problem is called a product

What is the answer to a multiplication problem called?

The answer to a multiplication problem is the product.It is called the productThe product.