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world bank is like a domino if the world bank have a problem all business will also have a problem all business which is connected to the bank . .

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Q: What are the positive and negative effects of world bank?
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How positive and negative numbers are used in real world situation?

Well if you over draw your bank account then you account balance becomes negative numbers, meaning you owe the bank. Anytime you are in debt period, in spades you can get set so many hands that your score is lower than zero and goes into the negative.

A negative and positive integer word problem?

1. Steve has overdrawn his checking account by $350. His bank charged him $150 for an overdraft fee. Then he quickly deposited $125. What is his current balance?

Is a withdraw a positive or negative number?

Oh, dude, a withdrawal is technically a negative number. It's like taking money out of your bank account - you're decreasing the balance, so it's considered negative. But hey, don't stress too much about it, just keep track of your finances and you'll be fine!

When can directed numbers be used in real life situations?

A directed number is a number with a sign (direction): Positive and negative. The direction (or sign) of the number adds meaning to what is happening, depending on what the number is describing. For example, in financial situations or bookkeeping, positive money would be income (receiving money) while negative is money going out (expenses, you spent money on something). You want the net of all money flows to be greater than zero (positive, which means that means that you will have more money than what you started with). If the net money flow is negative, then you spent more than you earned and your bank account will be decreasing.

Is this true or false all negative numbers are less then zero?

It is true that all negative numbers are less than zero. Think of a number line, zero is to the right of each negative number. Think real world, if you owed $500 to the bank would you have more money or less money than someone who owed $0?

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What are the positive effects of the world bank?

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What were the negative and positive effects of Asian development bank?

The Asian Development Bank has had both positive and negative effects. On the positive side, it has provided significant financial assistance for development projects in the region, promoting economic growth, poverty reduction, and infrastructure development. However, some criticisms include a focus on large-scale projects that may have negative environmental and social impacts, as well as concerns about governance and transparency in the allocation and use of funds.

What are the effects of commercial bank nationalisation in India?

The effects of nationalization of the Commercial Bank in India is that it has had a positive effect on the economy. The natives of the country have directly benefited from nationalization of the bank because they own it.

Will the rate of change be positive or negative?

It can be positive or negative, or even both - at different stages.For example, the rate of change of the balance in my bank account is positive at the end of the month - when my pay goes in - but it is negative for most of the rest of the time while I am spending it!

How positive and negative numbers are used in real world situation?

Well if you over draw your bank account then you account balance becomes negative numbers, meaning you owe the bank. Anytime you are in debt period, in spades you can get set so many hands that your score is lower than zero and goes into the negative.

Are the reviews of hsbc online mostly positive or negative?

HSBS online is an online bank that is very popular. It has positive reviews as it meet the needs for the users. It provides them what a bank needs to at an easier process.

What positive effects did the invention of steel have?

cars,planes,trains,railroads,sinks,pipes,staircases,bank vaults

How do you multiply a negative with a positive?

The result is negative. If you multiply your debts on your bank statement of account by 2, they are still debts. Just a different amount. Most math questions of this kind can be solved by thinking of them as representing your bank account.

How can you use negative numbers to represent real-world problems?

An overdrawn balance on your bank account is a negative number !

Why is positive minus negative positive plus positive?

To subtract a negative number is the equivalent of adding a positive number. Subtracting is the opposite of adding. If adding a negative number is equivalent to subtraction, then subtracting a negative number must be equivalent to addition. A big positive number, such as, let us say, having a large bank account, is the opposite of having a large debt, which would be a negative amount of money. If you owe a thousand dollars, that means you have negative $1000. If you can subtract that debt by paying it off, then you have added $1000 to your net worth. so it makes perfect sense.

What was the world bank's effects on relationships between the US and Europe?

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Why do telecommunication systems use negative voltage?

negative polarity is achieved by grounding the positive terminal of power supply system and the battery bank. This is done to prevent electolysis depositions.