56 divided by 2 = 28
28 divided by 2 = 14
14 divided by 2 = 7
7 cannot be divided by 3, or by 5
7 divided by 7 = 1
Therefore the prime factors of 56 are 2, 2, 2 and 7.
23 x 7 = 56
Prime factors of 56 First, what two numbers multiplied give you 56? 7 x 8 Is either of these a prime number?? Yes, 7 is prime. What about 8? What two numbers multiplied together give you 8? 2 x 4 Is either of these a prime number?? Yes, 2 is prime. What about 4? What two numbers multiplied together give you 4? 2 x 2 Is either of these a prime number?? Yes, both are prime. Combining our individual results, the prime factorisation of 56 is 7 x 2 x 2 x 2
Common prime number is 2 only.
26 = 64
2 and 19
Just 2
2 and 3
2 and 5.
2 and 5
2 and 5
The only prime factor of 25 is 5.
As a product of its prime factors in exponents: 22*32 = 36
no its fators are 159 16 1 2544
1,2,3,6,13,26,39,78 Prime Factorization= 2*3*13
1,024 has only one prime factor . . . . . it's 2.( 210 =1024)