Try getting away without them. See what happens when you spend more than your income, or your bank balance. What temperature is it in the middle of the night in midwinter? more trivially, what is your acceleration when you are slowing down? etc etc
uses in laser machine
That probably refers either to an imaginary number, or to a complex number. Despite the weird name, the "imaginary numbers" (and the complex numbers) have many uses in math and science.
When someone uses a double negative they end up saying the opposite of what they wanted to and the meaning of the sentence doesn't get across to the other person.
Real world uses for vectors would be plotting courses for boats and planning the construction of roads
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! You see, a microprocessor uses a method called Two's Complement to represent negative numbers. In Two's Complement, the most significant bit (leftmost bit) indicates the sign of the number - 0 for positive and 1 for negative. So, when the microprocessor sees that leftmost bit as a 1, it knows it's dealing with a negative number. Just a little twist of the bits to bring balance and harmony to the numbers!
Scientific notation is a way to write very large or very small numbers using exponents. For example 2000 is 2x103 . We can do the same thing with negative exponents and write very small numbers like 1/2000 which is 2x10-3 . So one real life use of exponents in in scientific notation.
The real life uses are to warship,worship and worship allah........
There are multiple uses and application of negative numbers. They are used on a daily basis when describing temperature and in banking. For example, an overdrawn balance will be reported in negative amounts.
One common use is temperature when it is very cold. We commonly talk about negative numbers degrees as a temperatures when it is below zero.
Well with real numbers you know the date, your know your age, you know the odel of your car, you know the year of your car, you can calculate your gas mileage, you can buy stuff and not look dumb, you can get a job, you can do almost every thing with real numbers.
DNA has many uses in real life. These uses may include use as evidence in a crime scene for example
what are real life design considerations that would apply to a wind generator
Temperature in cold areas are negative. Below sea level is negative altitude. Degrees left on the world coordinates.
they are no uses
uses in laser machine
There are more real numbers than integers. The set of integers is countably infinite, of magnitude aleph-zero. The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite (specifically, aleph-one).A computer can't really represent real numbers (that would require an infinite amount of memory), rather, it uses an approximation.There are more real numbers than integers. The set of integers is countably infinite, of magnitude aleph-zero. The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite (specifically, aleph-one).A computer can't really represent real numbers (that would require an infinite amount of memory), rather, it uses an approximation.There are more real numbers than integers. The set of integers is countably infinite, of magnitude aleph-zero. The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite (specifically, aleph-one).A computer can't really represent real numbers (that would require an infinite amount of memory), rather, it uses an approximation.There are more real numbers than integers. The set of integers is countably infinite, of magnitude aleph-zero. The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite (specifically, aleph-one).A computer can't really represent real numbers (that would require an infinite amount of memory), rather, it uses an approximation.