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Let the numbers be x and y
then we have x+y=-26 and xy=40
So x=40/y

Now x+40/x=-26
so x2 + 40+26x=0
or x2 +26x +40=0

You could solve this with the quadratic equation but let's complete the square

x2 +26x +40=0 is the same as
(x+13)2 +40-169=0
(x+13)2 =129
x+13= + or = Square root of 129
x=-13+square root of 129 or x=-13-square root of 129

So the answers are =-13+(square root 129)
-13 - square root of 129
Their sum is clearly -13+-13=-26
and their product is 40

If you need natural numbers or rational numbers, then there is no solution, however if you want any two NUMBERS, then that is the answer.

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Q: What are two numbers whose sum is negative twenty six and product is forty?
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