3 million eight hundred forty six thousand five hundred and twenty eight.
It separates the numbers
When writing a decimal out in words, the numbers before the decimal are written as if they are whole numbers, and the numbers after the decimal are read as digits. Therefore, for example, 150.35 is read one hundred and fifty point three five.
start read a read b c=a-b print c end
It is a stupid question
Well, darling, those numbers all have something in common - they are all palindromic! That means they read the same forwards and backwards. So, whether you're reading them left to right or right to left, those numbers stay sassy and symmetrical.
Palindrome Not just for numbers, either.
Add the numbers into one variable as you read them in. But if you prefer, you can read the numbers into an array and then use a loop to add the numbers together.
The disability that causes you not to be able to read numbers is called dyslexia. Dyslexic people struggle with reading and writing numbers.
Palindrome numbers are numbers that read the same backwards and forwards, like 32923
No, I cannot.
by the numbers that are marked there
To ensure they are read as binary numbers and not decimal numbers.
It separates the numbers
To separate other numbers its just easier to read my friend
spell HELLO, you will reverse the numbers so that they read 0.7734.