John Napier did not receive any at all. He is simply nowadays noted as the creator of logarithms.
1572 john Napier marries Agnes Chisholm
John Napier
John Napier's birthday is not known. However, records at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland affirm he was a student there. We choose to honor him on St. Andrew's Day, November 30.John Napier (1550 - 1617)
John Napier (1550 - 4 April 1617) was a Scottish mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and astrologer. He is known as the inventor of logarithms, Napier's bones, and made using the decimal point popular.
he got a certificert
no he did not, because they did not receive awards back then. that is my answer
in 1614 john Napier invented logarithms and a device called NAPIER,s bones
John Napier - primatologist - was born in 1917.
John Napier Burnett was born in 1899.
John Napier Burnett died in 1989.
John Napier invented the Napier's Bone
John Napier's calculating machine invention is called "Napier's Bones."
John Napier