A 22-digit number is typically referred to as a "twenty-two-digit number" or simply a "22-digit number." In mathematics, it may be classified as a "22-digit numeral" or "22-digit integer," depending on whether it includes a decimal point. In computing, a 22-digit number could be considered a "22-digit numerical value" or "22-digit data type."
A 22 digit number is called a quintillion.
You would call it million.
There is no specific name: you just call it a number with 2 or more digits or a multi-digit number.
The number is 949.
A 22 digit number is called a quintillion.
a Quadrillion is a 16 digit number
I suggest you just call it that - a "35-digit number".
I would just call it a "400-digit number".
You would call it million.
Each digit is a prime number that has only two factors which are itself and one The prime factors of the number 22 are 2 and 11
A doublelery
You are missing a digit. Find it.
A rational number