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THE DIVIdsion number and what the number is divisible by.

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Q: What do you call a circle with a rectangle cut out?
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What two shapes make a cylinder?

circle and rectangle. circle for the top and a curled rectangle with length equal to the circumference of the circle for the side.

What 2 D shape will you see in horizontally cut cylinder?

When you horizontally cut a cylinder, you will see a circle as the resulting 2D shape. This circle is formed by the intersection of the plane (the cut) with the curved surface of the cylinder. The circle will have the same diameter as the base of the cylinder.

What is the radius of the largest circle that can be cut from a rectangle measuring 12.2 centimeters by 5.6 centimeters?

2.8 cm

How do you calculate the area of a rectangle with a hole cut in it?

Measure the rectangle, multiply the sides. Measure the hole, find the area. Subtract circle from rectangle.# 5x6 rectangle. 5*6 = 30 # Circle is 3 inches across, 3.14*(3/2)2 = 7.065 # 30-7.065 = 22.935

Can a circle be inscribed in a rectangle?

Yes! It can(: you draw the circle in the rectangle with its top and bottom touching the top and bottom sides of the rectangle

What is the shape of the cross-section of a circular cylender?

Holding the knife at different angles, you could cut a cylinder and get a circle, an ellipse, or a rectangle.

Which is the odd one out circle square rectangle?


What doesn't fit Rectangle or square or Parallelogram or circle?

Circle Circle

How do you ask maths?

Question: In figure, what is the ratio of the areas of a circle and a rectangle if the diagonal of rectangle is equal to diameter of circle.

A 3 by 4 rectangle is inscribed in circle. What is the circumference of the circle?

the diagonal of the rectangle will be the diameter of the circle which equals 5 so the circumference will be 5pie or 15.70units.

What is relationship between the area of a circle and a rectangle?

area of a circle = area of a rectangle(parallelogram) formed by the sectors of circle with pi as length and radius as bradth.

What is the difference of circle and round?

because if it had 4 straight lines instead, we would call it a rectangle.