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Q: What do you call the third number behind the decimal?
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What do you call the fourth and fifth number behind the decimal?

The fourth place behind the decimal point is 10/1000s and the fifth place behind the decimal point is 100/1000s.

What do you call the 6Th number behind the decimal?

The millionths. .000001= one millionth.

What do you call an number with an decimal point?

A decimal fraction.

Where do you get the word for decimal?

when we place point in a number we call it decimal

Where is the call when a decimal number ends or terminates?

There is no place where there is a call!

What do you call a decimal that never stops?

It is a non-terminating decimal number.

What is the Dewey decimal call number for the almanac?

The Dewey Decimal call number for an almanac is typically 317.5.

What do you call a number without a decimal?

A number without a decimal would be a number without a fraction - hence it would be a "whole number".

What do you call a decimal whose digits do not go on forever?

A terminating decimal number.

What do you call a number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point?

A real number. Or, the decimal representation of a real number.

What do you call a number that is not a whole number?

That could be a fraction, a decimal, or a mixed number.

What do you call the number on the right side of a decimal?

Collectively the 'decimal digits'. Individually from the decimal point, and moving to the right;- Tenths 0.1 Hundredths 0.01 Thousandths 0.001 Tens of Thousandths 0.0001 Hundreds of thousandths 0.00001 Millionths 0.000001 NB Note the use of the suffix '---ths'. NNB Examples of how a decimal digit looks.