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The label should indicate what is being measured along the axis, and the units used for these measurements.

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Q: What do you label the horizontal axis on a graph?
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What is the x axis label on a graph called?

X axis is horizontal, and The Y axis is vertical.

What is axis label in graph?

x= horizontal(flat) y=vertical(up and down)

What is the horizontal axis of a graph?

The horizontal axis of a typical graph would be the "X-axis"

How do you label the axes on a residuals graph?

The horizontal axis would normally be the independent variable and the vertical axis would be the residual.

How can you tell how to label the axis on a graph?

The horizontal axis is always your x-axis. So just put an X next to your x-axis and you've labelled it.

How do you label axes in Microsoft Excel?

after creating your graph go to the layout tab, axis title then choose either horizontal or vertical axis

Which axis on a graph runs horizontal?

The horizontal axis is known as the x-axis.

In a line graph which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable?

The independent variable is plotted on the horizontal axis, or x axis. The dependent variable, or response variable is plotted on the vertical axis, or y axis.

What is on the horizontal axis of a speed graph?

The independent variable, in this case time, is on the horizontal axis of a speed graph.

Where is the independent variable placed on a line graph?

on the horizontal axis!

In a graph the variable on the horizontal axis is the?

The independent variable is on the horizontal axis.

On a graph which axis is horizontal and which axis is vertical?

The convention for an x-y graph is as follows: y | | |_____ x where the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical.