If you mean: y=6+x/ x=7 Then that is the equation for a line. Put in any number for "x" and "y" will always be 6 more than that. In this case, y=13
If you mean: y = x - a/x Then: y = x - ax-1 y' = 1 + ax-2 y' = 1 + a/x2 If you mean: y = (x - a)/x Then: y = 1 - ax-1 y' = ax-2 y' = a/x2
x equals -12 and y equals 1/4 of -12, so y = -3.
In math x and y means unknown answer. The mystery numbers are always different like x doesn't mean 3 and y doesn't mean 0.
X is divisible by Y if there is an integer Z such that X = Y*Z that is, Y will go into X without remainder.
If you mean: y=6+x/ x=7 Then that is the equation for a line. Put in any number for "x" and "y" will always be 6 more than that. In this case, y=13
x equals y
Transitive property: If 8 equals x and x equals y, then 8 equals y.
y=1 and x=4 means that in an equation/sum, if y or x are written it means they represent those numbers. if y=1 and x=4, then 4y=4=x
If you mean: y = x - a/x Then: y = x - ax-1 y' = 1 + ax-2 y' = 1 + a/x2 If you mean: y = (x - a)/x Then: y = 1 - ax-1 y' = ax-2 y' = a/x2
If by area you mean X*Y it would be -49 (or 49, if you assume area to be positive). (X=7, Y=-7) when X+Y^2=56 and X+Y=0.
When x = 0, the point that has (0, y) coordinates will be on the y-axis for any y.
If [ y = x + 2 ], then x is not -1 when y = 5.If [ y = x + 2 ],then when x = -1, y = 1,and when y = 5, x = 3.
x equals -12 and y equals 1/4 of -12, so y = -3.
The result of the equation x + 2y - 2x - y equals x simplifies to y - x.