This is a reference dimension. I.e. the part can and should be manufactured without using it directly. The non-bracketed dimensions should define the form of the part completely.
An underline on a dimension means that it is not to scale.
isometric drawing create the illusion of 3 dimension by drawing the depth of the object on the both side.. in isometric drawing they are both set on the 30 degree angle..
Generally it means that the dimension is for reference only. The actual (real dimension) will show up somewhere else on a drawing. It could also be put on a dimension that you really don't want an inspector to hold tight (material thicknesses that vary with vendor or batch run)
If the scale is 1 to 16, then each dimension in the real world is 16 times its size on the drawing, and its size on the drawing is 1/16 of its real size. The barn must be drawn 2-ft high on the plans.
there are several different types of lines used in dimensional drawing, most are vertical and horizontal in design.
An underline on a dimension means that it is not to scale.
The first dimension string on an architectural drawing should begin at the point representing the starting reference point of the dimension being measured. This point is typically indicated by a small arrow or dot.
No, then it would not be a reference dimension. Reference dimensions by definition have no tolerance.
A 3D drawing is a three dimensional drawing. There are a number of ways an artist can convey dimension in a drawing. Perspective is one of them. Shading and contouring are others.
.125 STOCK
relative and polar
An orthographic drawing attempts to represent a 3D picture in a two dimension drawing. Usually shows a front, side and plain view
Dimensioning standards are standards on how to dimension a working drawing.
A reference dimension is typically indicated by placing parentheses around the dimension value and noting it as a reference dimension. The use of parentheses signifies that the dimension is for reference purposes only and is not intended for manufacturing or inspection. Additionally, a note may be added on the drawing to clarify the role of the reference dimension.
It refers to "centres". When appended to a dimension it means the dimension is to / from the centre mark of a diameter / radius.
A line on a drawing pointing to another line or part to which the dimensions relate.----