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well umm i dont really know i was just checking if there was any ways ? but if you ever Google this ill tell you that i think that theirs no pentagonal cylinder..

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Q: What does a pentagonal cylinder looks like?
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What does pentagonal look like?

"Pentagonal" is an adjective, not a noun so a pentagonal cannot exist. You can have a pentagonal plane shape, a pentagonal pyramid,a pentagonal dipyramid,a pentagonal prism and so on and each of them will look different.

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What kind of shape looks like a cylinder?

A cylinder looks like a can of beans.

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A cylinder looks like a piece of pipe. A sphere looks like a ball.

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A cylinder looks like a can, while a prism looks like a row of Doritos.

What does a pentagonal pyramid looks like?

A pentagon for a base, five triangles reaching up to a point on top.

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A pentagonal pyramid has 6 faces. It has 10 edges and 6 vertices. It looks just like a pentagon on face and has a point at the top.

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A candle is shaped like a cylinder a cylinder looks like the image down below.