An obtuse angle is any angle which measures between 90 degrees (that is, a right angle), and 180 degrees (that is, a straight line).
you can measure a angle with a protracte.
The measure of the obtuse angle would then be double that of the acute angle.
What does a straight angle measure?
the measure of the inscribed angle is______ its corresponding central angle
what is the measurement in degrees of angle 7
More than 90 and less than 180.
the measure of an angle is the degrees of an angle.
you can measure a angle with a protracte.
they both measure the angle in degrees
The measure of the obtuse angle would then be double that of the acute angle.
The measure of the exterior angle.
No cheating!
What does a straight angle measure?
105 degrees
If measure angle 3 = x2 + 4x and measure angle 5 = 3x + 72, find the possible measures of angle 3 and angle 5
each measure of the angle at point h has a measure of