A polygon is regular when all its sides are the same length and its internal angles are the same. It is said to be equilateral and equiangular, and that is what a polygon is when it is regular.
All the sides of a regular polygon have the same length. If two or more sides of a polygon have different lengths, then the polygon is not regular.
all sides = the same all angles are the same
an irregular polygon is a polygon that is the opposite of a regular polygon in a regular polygon the sides are the same and the angles are the same and irregular is the opposite.
A regular polygon must be equiangular as well as equilateral. A rhombus is an example of a polygon that is equilateral but not equiangular.
A regular polygon means a shape that has all equal lengths and angles. A couple examples are a square, an equilateral triangle, and a octagon shaped like a stop sign.
a regular polygon has to have congruent angles as well as equal lengths
regular polygon mean equal sides, equal angles irregular polygon mean it is not equal :)
A regular polygon has all sides equal in lengths. A quadrilateral is a 4 sided polygon.
A regular polygon is a polygon in which all the angles and sides are equal, say on a regular polygon if one side is 15cm if you know that they are all equal, all the other sides are 15cm, also you can assume on a regular polygon, that if one angle is 75o all the other angles are 75o
A regular polygon has all equal interior angles and all equal sides of the same length
I assume you mean a polygon inscribed in a circle. It is regular if all its sides and angles are equal.
All the sides are not equal
A 6 sided hexagon polygon can be regular or irregular.
its a not regular polygon
a "regular" one
If you mean an irregular polygon, it is a polygon with sides of different length or angles of different measure (or both).
A regular polygon is a polygon whose sides are equal length and whose angles are all the same value. A non regular polygon is just the opposite of a regular polygon.