It is the first of the sample questions. They're not real questions. Just samples.
sorry to answer with a question but ...grains of what?
n = sample sizen1 = sample 1 sizen2 = sample 2 size= sample meanμ0 = hypothesized population meanμ1 = population 1 meanμ2 = population 2 meanσ = population standard deviationσ2 = population variance
Yes, but that begs the question: how large should the sample size be?
sample statistic
You calculate the actual sample mean, and from that number, you then estimate the probable mean (or the range) of the population from which that sample was drawn.
The mean of a sample is a single value and so its distribution is a single value with probability 1.
sorry to answer with a question but ...grains of what?
Nothing, since there is no such term. Check your notes and resubmit your question.
The population mean is the mean calculated over every member of the set of subjects being studied. It is usually not available and a survey is used to find an estimate for the population mean. The mean value of the variable in question, calculated from only the subjects included in the sample (or survey) is the sample mean. Provided some basic statistical requirements are met, the sample mean is a "good" estimate of the population mean.
With a good sample, the sample mean gets closer to the population mean. provides VITEEE 2009 sample question papers.. VITEEE 2009 Sample Question Papers - Mathematics VITEEE 2009 Sample Question Papers - Chemistry VITEEE 2009 Sample Question Papers - Physics
n = sample sizen1 = sample 1 sizen2 = sample 2 size= sample meanμ0 = hypothesized population meanμ1 = population 1 meanμ2 = population 2 meanσ = population standard deviationσ2 = population variance
Your question is a bit difficult to understand. I will rephrase: In hypothesis testing, when the sample mean is close to the assumed mean of the population (null hypotheses), what does that tell you? Answer: For a given sample size n and an alpha value, the closer the calculated mean is to the assumed mean of the population, the higher chance that null hypothesis will not be rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis.
n-1 means take the sample size and subtract 1 from it.
yes sample
In order to answer the question it is necessary to know the population standard error.