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Q: What does the p value of 0.07 means?
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What is a p-value?

P value is a probability of something happening by chance it denotes the contribution of chance in any hyphothesis testing the value of p lies between 0 to 1 the standered value of p is .05 if any hyphothesis test gives the p value less then this that means that particular x is impacting my project otherwise not.

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The order of the operations: --p means: decrement the variable, then fetch the new value p-- means: fetch the old value, then decrement the variable

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James Bond is allowed to kill

What does p equals c means in C language?

is means that the variable p gets the value from variable c assigned to it. So if c = 6 and the program executes p = c p will also be 6 but depending on the kind of variables p and c are it can also be c = "i am c" and than after p = c the value of p will be "i am c"

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const char *p means the char value pointed by 'p' is constant we can't change anyway but the address(location) of 'p' can change. char const *p means the char value pointed by 'p' can change but the location of p can't be change it is constant.

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007 has the same value as 07 which is 7

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rms. dat means Vp-p will be 325V.

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It is 12*P*P*P whose value will depend on the value of P.