What symbol
oz = ounce
In maths, something that is quadratic is squared. So a quadratic equation will have X squared in it.
The word "quad" mean four (4).
When you fill in a form - tick the box/ put a tick or a cross in the box indicated.
a box to tick in on a form
The little marks on the axes in a coordinate plane that tell you where the associated values occur.
It means the square root. like the diving table over a number but with a tick means the square root of this number
a rare form of a tick
if a tick has a spot on it then it is a lone star tick
60 times a minute or 1 time a second Simple maths really
It i a number with the same value but written or represented in a different form.
That you are cool.
Wait a tick, hold on a tick, is asking you to wait a moment. A tick refers to the ticking of a clock.
In the UK it is maths, in the US, math.
Yeah, if you mean Blue or Red Tick Coon Hounds.