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Q: What does this look like when it is round to 0 decimal place 256.4563?
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What do you round 1.69 to?

That depends on what you want to round it to, like one decimal place or a whole number, as in the following examples: One decimal place: 1.7 A whole number: 2

When dealing with money which decimal place should you always round?

You should round to two decimal places unless the number is large - like the US national debt, for example.

How to round 0.1738 tenths place?

0.1738 rounded to the nearest tenth would be 0.2 (you go to the hundredths place, the second place after the decimal point, and if it's five or greater, you round up, like in this case. If it's four or less, you round down).

What is a like decimal to the decimal 0.0004?

A like decimal will have the same place value. For example, a like decimal to 0.0004 would be 0.0005.

How do you Round to the nearest hundredths of 0.821?

0.82 the place value behind the decimal goes up like before the decimal it goes tenths value closest to the decimal then hundredths and thousandths and so on and so forth so if you are rounding the hundredths it is the second place value from the decimal. so 0.821 rounded is the closest hundredths witch is .82.

How do you round 42.5 to 1 decimal place?

it's like a time line, if it is under .5 than it is to the bottom but if it's higher than .5 than round up to the next number. if it's .5 than round too the next number.

How do you round 5.099 to the nearest hundredth?

To round something like that to 2 decimal places (hundredth) you would just write it like so 5.10

How do you How do you round 19340 to the nearest ten thousand?

The ten thousandth place is the fifth digit to the left of the decimal point. When you have a whole number like 19340, the decimal place is automatically at the end of the number. The fifth digit to the left of that is the "1". To round, you look at the digit directly to the right of it. Since it is a 9, you should round up. If the number is five or greater, you round up. If it is less than five, you round down. By rounding up, the one turns into a 2. So 19,340 rounded to the neared ten thousandth is 20,000.

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How do you Round to the nearest hundredths of 18.582?

18.58The number after a decimal is called a tenth place, the number after that the hundredth place, thousandth place and so on. So in this problem, the number 5 will be in the tenth place, the number 8 in the hundredth place and 2 in the thousandth place.Rounding up is the same like when there are no decimals. So the nearest hundredth will be:18.582= 18.58

What does it mean to estimate by rounding to the thousands place?

Estimating by rounding to the thousands place means that you round the number to the nearest thousand. For example, if you have a number like 5,679, you would round it to 6,000. This allows you to get a rough idea of the size or magnitude of the number without having to work with the exact value.