22/7 I think is the closest fraction you will get. By definition it is irrational, and cannot be written as fraction of integer numbers. There are a few fractions that are close approximates though. Pi cannot be technically written as a fraction. However, a fraction that is a close approximation of pi is 22/7.
You can either 1)You can divide out the fraction used for pi then multiply by the diameter or 2)Put the diameter over 1 then multiply across with the fraction used for pi.
π-Pi π=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971
A proper fraction which has 1 as the numerator is called a ________ fraction
Pi is an irrational number, meaning that is can not be written as a fraction with integers. If you are talking about the number 3.14, you can write it as 157/50, but this is not equal to pi. Pi is an infinite series of non-repeating decimals: Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288…
The equivalency of Pi in a fraction is 22/7.
pi is an irrational number and so there is no equivalent fraction.
The equivalent fraction for Pi is 22/7 or 31/7
22/7 is the globally accepted fraction for the decimal number Pi.
NO!!!!! pi is an irrational number, which means it cannot form a ratio/fraction. An approximation of 'pi' is the improper fraction '22/7'.
One can define an infinite number of fractions to successively approximate pi, and get closer and closer to pi's value. There is no closest fraction to pi. No matter how close the fraction is to pi you can always find one that is closer.
Pi written as an improper fraction is 22/722 over 7
The pi decimal is 3.14 and the fraction is 22/7
fraction that represents 1.00 = 1/1
Pi cannot be expressed exactly as any fraction (including as a fraction of powers of 10, which is what a decimal fraction is). There are an infinite number of place values in the number 'pi'.
While there is no fraction form for pi, 22/7 is an approximation of pi that can be used for a rough calculation .
One can define an infinite number of fractions to successively approximate pi, and get closer and closer to pi's value. There is no closest fraction to pi. No matter how close the fraction is to pi you can always find one that is closer