7.0001 rounded off to 4 significant figures is 7.000
4000 has between 1 and 4 significant figures: if it is a rounded number, then it could have been 3999.9, for example, which would be rounded to 4000 to 1, 2, 3 or 4 significant figures.
1050 contains 4 significant digits and cannot be rounded to two significant figures without changing the value of the number.
It is: 12.66
5020 has 3 significant figures. It could also have 4 significant figures if, for example, 5019.6 was rounded to 4 significant figures.
1.0348m rounded to 4 significant numbers is 1.035m
It is 14.37
62.99685 rounded to 4 significant figures is 63.00
7.0001 rounded off to 4 significant figures is 7.000
111.009mm rounded to four significant digits is 111.0mm
They are 4 significant DIGITS, not numbers! It is only 1 number.
I just did this problem for chemistry class! .009999991 to 4 sig figs is like this: .00 (these zeros are leading zeros, they don't count) so .009999991 is 7 sig figs. .009999 is 4 sig figs. One problem... you must round using the figure that came after the cut off point which was a 9 so you want to round the next 9 to 10 but then you have a 9 again in front of that. OH NO! don't stress :) .009999 becomes .009990 but you need to make a ten so then the next 9 becomes a 10 and so on until you run out of 9's leaving you with .009999=.0010000 Still not done though! Trailing zeros after a number after a decimal are significant! So just take off one of the zeros leaving you with .01000 4 sig figs! tadah :D
It is 2.053
It is: 19.68
At least 1 and at most 7. It could be 3,999,999.9 rounded to 7 significant figures; It could be 3,999,999 rounded to 6 significant figures; It could be 4,000,015 rounded to 5 significant figures; It could be 4,000,429 rounded to 4 significant figures; It could be 3,999,999 rounded to 3 significant figures; It could be 4,049,999 rounded to 2 significant figures; It could be 4,492,467 rounded to 1 significant figure.