1002 has 4 significant digits.
Significant Features in a given measurement mean like specific digits from a number. The rules are: 1) Nonzero digits are always significant 2) All final zeroes after a decimal point are significant 3) Zeroes between two other significant digits are always significant 4) Zeroes used soley as placeholders are NOT significant 5) Zeroes between a decimal point and a nonzero digit are significant. 34900 would have 3 significant features. 0.0034900 would have 5. I hope that helps. I got the information from this website: http://www.hazelwood.k12.mo.us/~grichert/sciweb/phys8.htm There are tons more practice problems and info.
4 digits
There are 4 digits in 1024
1. All non-zero digits are always significant. 2. Zeroes between other significant figures are significant. 3. Trailing zeroes without a decimal point are not significant. 4. Trailing zeroes after a decimal point are significant. 5. Leading zeroes that come before a non-zero number are not significant. 1. 2598 has four significant figures. 2. 25005 has five significant figures. 3. 160 has two significant figures. 4. 45.800 has five significant figures. 5. 00.00589 has three significant figures.
111.009mm rounded to four significant digits is 111.0mm
14.587020 rounded to four significant digits is 14.59
It is: 12.66
It is a rational number rounded to 4 significant digits.
1050 contains 4 significant digits and cannot be rounded to two significant figures without changing the value of the number.
14.587020 rounded to four significant digits results in 14.59
1.246(10^8) I believe.
Significant digits are digits that provide useful information, for instance 123 has 3 significant digits and 30010 has 4 significant digits. So basically zeros aren't significant unless they are between two other numbers. 0.1020 has only 4 significant digits. A+: 4
There are 4 significant digits in 5600.