

What is 15 percent gratuity of 9.99?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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9.99 x 15% = 1.50

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Q: What is 15 percent gratuity of 9.99?
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If the total bill is 37.90 and gratuity is 15 percent what tip will be left?

37.90 + 15% = 43.58 Gratuity at 15% = 5.68

How much will the gratuity be if you want to leave 15 percent?

It will be 15 percent of the amount due.

What is 15 percent off 999 dollars?

15 percent off 999 dollars: $999 x 0.15 = $149.85

Percentage of gratuity?

The percentage of gratuity can vary in different parts of the country. Many people pay a 15 percent gratuity while in bigger cites people pay 20 or 25 percent. Unless a restaurant adds the gratuity to the bill, it is the choice of the customer as to what they pay.

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What is the maximum legal percentage a restaurant can charge in NYC for a mandatory gratuity?

A restaurant can charge 15 percent gratuity automatically. Twenty percent is considered exceptional service and cannot be charged automatically by a restaurant.

What is the gratuity of 15 percent of 500?

To find 15 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.15. In this instance 0.15 x 500 = 75. Therefore, 15 percent of 500 is equal to 75.

What are the rules for gratuity amount?

Strictly speaking there are no "RULES" for gratuity in the USA. The general recommended amount for gratuity is minimum 15 percent of the check. For a buffet where the waitress does much less it can be as low as 10%. In other parts of the world leaving a tip is considered offensive.

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Is .999 percent the same as 99.9 percent?

.999 as a decimal is the same as 99.9%, However .999% is not the same as 99.9% where both are percentages.

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