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24/5 is 2.8

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Q: What is 2 whole number and 4 over 5 as a decimal?
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What is 2 as the whole number and the fraction 9 over 12 into a decimal?

2.75 is.

What is 5 over 2 wrote as a whole number or mixed number?

5/2 as a mixed number is 2 and 1/2 or 2.5 as a decimal number

What is whole numeber?

A whole number is a number in which there is no decimal or fraction after the number or the number is a fraction or decimal. ex. ...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2...

What is the whole number 2 and the fraction 4 over 25 as a decimal?

2 plus 4/25 = 2.16

The difference between a decimal and a whole number?

a decimal is part of a whole number e.g. 0.5 is half a whole numbera whole number is just a normal number e.g. 1, 2, 5, 8, 14, 56 etc. A whole number is on the left side of the dot and the decimal is on the right.Example: whole number decimal decimal number 43 . 684

In the decimal number 59.247 what does the number 2 stand for?

In the decimal number 59.247, the number 2 stands for 2/10 of a whole.

Can every Whole Number be written as a decimal?

Every whole number be written as a decimal; e.g 2 can be written as 2.00

What is 2 tenths as a whole number?

²⁄₁₀ cannot be written as a whole number, but it can be written as a decimal: 0.2

How do you convert an improper fraction into a decimal?

You take however many times the denominator goes into the numerator as a whole number. For example, 6/2 would be 3. Then take the remaining fraction and turn it into a decimal. For example, 7/2 would be 3 and 1/2 left over or 3.5. Just take the whole number and turn the fraction left over into a decimal add-on

Is 0.43 a whole number?

No. A whole number will be on the left side of the decimal point. For example, a 2 in 2.43 is a whole number.

What is the decimal and fraction to a pecentage that is 4 as a whole number and 1 over 2?

41/2% = 0.045 = 45/1000 = 9/200

How do you convert mixed numbers to decimals and vice versa?

To convert a mixed number to a decimal, first move the whole number to the answer. Next, divide the top number in the fraction by the bottom to get a decimal. Add that to the whole number you already have. 2 3/8 = 2. ??? 3/8= .325 2 + .325= 2.325 Decimals to mixed numbers is a bit trickier. Moving the whole number over is easy. Next, count the number of digits after the decimal point. Put the digits left over (with no decimal point) on top of 1 with as many zeroes as digits after the decimal point. -For example, if my decimal is 6.125 there are 3 digits after the decimal point. -I put .125 over 1 with three zeroes -Lose the decimal point and it is 125/1000 Next, simplify your fraction and add the whole number. 6.125= 6 ??/?? 125/1000= 1/8 6 + 1/8= 6 1/8