

What is 2n squared plus 5n plus 2?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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That factors to (2n + 1)(n + 2)

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Q: What is 2n squared plus 5n plus 2?
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If the given equation were factorized it would be: 2n2 + 4n = 2n(n+1) Another Answer:- The given expression when factored is 2n(n+2)

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9+2n=5n this is how you would set up the problem 9+2n-2n=5n-2n then you subtract the number with the variable on each side 9=3n this is what it leaves you with 9/3=3n/3 then you divide three by both sides to get the variable by itself 3=n then you have your answer Hope this helps you!!