123.347 ≈ 4096
It is: 2 to the power of 12 = 4096
It is: 2 to the power of 12 = 4096
4096 = 212
46 = 4096
Basically you do the number to the power of the numerator (the top number) and then root the answer using the number of the denominator. For example: If you had 16^3/2, you would have to cube 16. 16^3 = 4096 Then you would square root since the denominator is 2. √ 4096 = 64
Prime numbers to the 12th power, like 4096, have 13 factors.
An octagon is a 8 sided polygon and not a number but 8^4 = 4096
Any prime to the 12th power, like 4096 or 531441
The number of times eight can go in to 4096 is 512. 4096 divided by 8= 512