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They are 4 triangles and one square.

What they might make when assembled together depends on their sizes and on the shapes of the triangles.

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Q: What is 4 triangles and one square?
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What shape are the faces in a square pyramid?

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What shape has one square and 4 triangles?


How many triangles does a square pyramid have?

a square pyramid has 4 triangles

What shape is the faces of a square pyramid?

the bottom one is a square and the other 4 are triangles

3d shape with 4 triangles and a square?

A Triangular Pyramid has 4 triangles and 1 square.

How many right triangles are in a square?

4 right triangles

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A square pyramid (like the Egyptian ones), which has 4 triangles as sides.

What 3 dimenional shape can you make using 4 triangles and 1 square?

you can make a square based pyramid using 4 triangles and a 1 square

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One square and four triangles.

What geometric figure has 5 faces 8 edges 5 vertices?

The figure is a square pyramid. It is made with a square on the bottom and 4 triangles meeting at a vertex perpindicular to the square. The square has 1 face, the 4 triangles each have one face making 5 faces. The edges are made where the triangles meet each other and where they each meet the square. There are four vertices at the corners of the square and the one at the top of the pyramid.

Are all faces of a square pyramid triangles?

4 faces are triangles and 1 face is a square the square face is the base of the pyramid

What is one of a square pyramid is a square The other faces are triangles?

A square pyramid is one that has a square base. This means there are four triangles, one triangle on each side of the square base.