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Q: What is a chain of more than 2 simple sugars bound together?
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What constitute a long chain of simple sugars?

Polysaccharide constitutes a long chain of simple sugars. The genetic information is coded in DNA by the sequence of the nucleotides.

What is the structure of sugars?

Simple sugars are monosaccharides , they are either in chain form or in ring form .

What would be a long chain of simple sugars?


What joins the deoxyribose sugars together in a chain?

Phosphate groups join the deoxyribose sugars together in a chain to form the backbone of a DNA molecule.

A polymer of thousands of simple sugars formed by dehydration synthesis?

The polymer of thousands of simple sugars formed by dehydration synthesis is called a polysaccharide. This process involves the removal of a water molecule to bond the sugar molecules together to form a long chain. Examples of polysaccharides include starch, glycogen, and cellulose.

What is the difference between polysaccharides and sugars?

Polysaccharides are chains of sugars. Think of sugars as a single link in a bicycle chain and the polysaccahride as the chain.

What is a long chain of sugars called?

Starch.A long chain of simple sugar units is called starch, which is converted from glucose (simple sugar). Starch is stored in the leaf temporarily during photosynthesis. During the Dark Phase, starch is converted back into glucose and it transported to the storage areas of the plant.

how does polymers?

The word 'poly' means many, therefore, a polymer is a long chain of molecules bound together by atomic forces.

What are carbohydrates broken down into when digested?

Sugars such as glucose that are used as an energy source for your body. The brain and nervous system rely heavily on carbohydrates to function as well.

Complex sugars are called what?

Complex sugars or starches are called polysaccharides.

What structure is found in a monosaccharides?

Monosaccharides are simple sugars that consist of a single sugar unit. They have a basic structure of a carbon chain with a carbonyl group (either an aldehyde or a ketone) and multiple hydroxyl groups attached to the carbon chain.

How bacteria help digestive track of some animals?

it breaks down some long chain polisacharids such us celulose to simple sugars that are absorbed by the organizm of the animal.