range,mode ,mean and cluster
A cluster is a group of data, or a bunch. A gap is a huge interval. An outlier is a piece of data that is really small or really big.
Gap: ina data display, a large space between data points.Ex. 3,4,5, Gap 20,22Cluster: in a data display, a cluster is several data points lie in a small interval. Ex. 7,8,9,0,2345678Outliers: A number ina set of data that is much larger or smaller than most of the other numbers in the set.Ex. 1, ( outlier ) 52, 55, 57,59, 129 (outlier)
The mean of the new data set is shifted from the mean of the original set, in the direction of the added cluster. We note that the same would be true if only a single new element were added.
primary and secondary data in math termsprimary data meansinformation collected by your selfsecondary data in math termsdata collected not from your self but anInternet or a book.some thing you didn't collect your selfits not a raw piece of evidence
Cluster refers to data whose values are close together according to some metric.
a cluster full of numbers
cluster means a group of numbers together.
A cluster is where the majority of the data are plotted.
kinsa along oyab?pls.answeer.
They can cluster anywhere: it depends on what characteristic of what population is being measured.
They can cluster anywhere: it depends on what characteristic of what population is being measured.
range,mode ,mean and cluster
a data culster is where on a line plot there is alot of data in one section that has a large amount of data.
No; since you refer to a math score (and not a math grade), it is ratio data.
Cluster analysis' is a class of statistical techniques that can be applied to data that exhibit "natural" groupings. Cluster analysis sorts through the raw data and groups them into clusters. A cluster is a group of relatively homogeneous cases or observations. Objects in a cluster are similar to each other. They are also dissimilar to objects outside the cluster, particularly objects in other clusters.
A cluster is a group of data, or a bunch. A gap is a huge interval. An outlier is a piece of data that is really small or really big.