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It is called a repeating decimal. It is also a form of a rational number.

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Q: What is a decimal whose digits repeat in groups of one or more?
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What do you call a decimal whose digits repeat in one or more?

a repeating or recurring decimal

1.231241251261271. is an irrational number?

No, it is rational. Numbers whose decimal digits either stop or repeat can be written as a fraction and so are rational.

A decimal whose digits end?

is known as a terminating decimal.

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is NOT zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat is a?

It is a fraction whose denominator has a factor other than 2 or 5.

What do you call a decimal whose digits do not go on forever?

A terminating decimal number.

What is a decimal whose digits end?

a terminating decimal. An example is the decimal for 1/4 is .25 and that ends or terminates.

What is a decimal whose digits end and can be written as a fraction?

.5 Written as 1/2

What type of decimal has a finite number of digits after decimal point?

A decimal of a fraction whose denominator is of the form 2ax5b where a and b are non-negative integers.

How do you get the decimal point in antilog?

If a number has an antilog whose integer part is n, then the number has n-1 digits before the decimal point.

What is the greatest five-digits decimal numbers less than 1 whose nonzero digits are 5 and 7 only?

Not too sure of the question but how about 0.77775

What is a fraction A fraction whose decimal representation contains eight?

1/17 contains each of the ten digits.

Why is a decimal rational?

Some decimals are rational, and some aren't. A decimal is rational when it terminates or repeats.