A Line Transet is a rope marked every meter and is laid out across a habitat and is used to estimate the number of plants present.
A Line Transet shows the number of plants and how they change from one part of a habitat to another!
*Straight Lines - Horizontal line - Vertical line - Broken line - Wavy line - Dotted line - Zigzag line - Diagonal line - perpendicular line - parallel line *Curved Lines - Concave line - Convex line - Spiral line
Line L is parallel to line n.
[A Parallel line is a straight line, opposite to another, that do not intersect or meet.] Ie. Line 1 is Parallel to Line 2. ------------------------------------------------- <Line 1 ------------------------------------------------- <Line 2
A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.
A line extends forever into space and a line segment is a segment or part of a line, so a line is longer than a line segment.
Yes, now would be a great time if the sun is visible.
I personaly think that it doesnt come up because if you really think, it doesnt leave the factory until a day or 2. Also, it might say "in transet"
*Straight Lines - Horizontal line - Vertical line - Broken line - Wavy line - Dotted line - Zigzag line - Diagonal line - perpendicular line - parallel line *Curved Lines - Concave line - Convex line - Spiral line
A line of best-fit.
If there is an actual physical line on the floor, and you are on it, then you are on line. If you are in a line of people, you are in line. If you are in a line of people, and also standing on a physical line on the floor, then you are both in and on line. If there is a group of people, standing in a line, and you are standing on top of the group of people standing in line, then you are standing on line.
A straight line, a telephone line, a shipping line, a fishing line.
A line intersect is a point on a line where another line or object crosses the line.
Line L is parallel to line n.
In geometry a line is thought of as extending infinitely in both directions. A line segment is part of a line.
[A Parallel line is a straight line, opposite to another, that do not intersect or meet.] Ie. Line 1 is Parallel to Line 2. ------------------------------------------------- <Line 1 ------------------------------------------------- <Line 2
it snaps the line. ex. _______ ______ see the space, with line snapping the secong line will attach itself to the nearest line giving you a line like this ________________ that's what line snapping is.
A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.