It is 3823.
A number that has more than one digit is called a "multi-digit number." In mathematics, a digit is a single symbol used to represent numbers (0-9). Therefore, a number with two or more of these symbols is considered a multi-digit number. These numbers can be broken down into individual place values, such as units, tens, hundreds, and so on.
There is no specific name: you just call it a number with 2 or more digits or a multi-digit number.
It is 3823.
That means that the number has more than one digit.
6849 and 0213
That refers to a number that has more than one digit. For example, 416 is a number; the individual symbols, 4, 1, and 6, are its digits. Since the number 416 has more than one digit, it is multidigit.
There is no specific name: you just call it a number with 2 or more digits or a multi-digit number.
So far, you know that your number has a seven in the tens column:7?The ones digit is one more than the tens digit, which is 7.7+1=8Your number is 78.
A number with more than one digits: that is, an integer greater than 9.