The numerator is the top number in a fraction. (2 in 2/8)
The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. (5 in 3/5)
It's the number above the denominator. The denominator is the bottom in a fraction. I hope this helps:)
A numerator is the top of a fraction. Say you had the fraction 1/2.The numerator is 1.2/3 numerator is 25/9 numerator is 5Please Recommend:)
11/15Because 2/5=6/15 and 1/3=5/15.To add fractions you need a common denominator and then you add the numerators and make their sum the new numerator over the common denomerator.
The answer is 3 over 7. First you have to set up the equation like how you just did. Then you multiply numerator to numerator and denom. to denom. and you get 12 over 28 which reduces to 3 over 7 when you divide the numerator and denomerator by 4.
When dividing, the numerator goes inside the box, which is known as the dividend. The denominator goes outside the box, which is the divisor. The division process involves dividing the numerator by the denominator to find the quotient.
It's on top of the denominator.
Numerater is the correct answer
the numerator
an improper fraction
simplest form
the answer is = 1 is the whole, 583 is the numerater and 1000 is the determinater,
2/4 = 8/16
It's the number above the denominator. The denominator is the bottom in a fraction. I hope this helps:)
Big...... Divide the numerater by the denominator times the decimal by one hundred and that will give you a percent.
A numerator is the top of a fraction. Say you had the fraction 1/2.The numerator is 1.2/3 numerator is 25/9 numerator is 5Please Recommend:)
The numerator, to put it simply, is the top number of a fraction. EX: 6/7 --> 6 is the numerator
3(numerator)*4(Denomerator)=12 12+3(the 3 in 3 over 4)=15 15(over)4=ansewer