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Additive Opposite

An opposite of a number is the number with the opposite sign, but same absolute value.

Basically, 3 has the opposite -3, -47's opposite is 47 (opposite of n is -n).

Just take 0-(n) where n is the number in question (there is no opposite for 0).

Usually it means the opposite sign -- if originally positive, the opposite is a negative; if originally negative, the opposite is positive.

Multiplicative Opposite

The reciprocal of a number n is 1/n so that multiplication or division by a number is the inverse (division or multiplication) using its reciprocal.

Example : 7 divided by 1/3 is equal to 7 times 3 = 21 (there are 21 one-thirds in 7).
By itself, nothing. There are different meanings in different contexts.

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Q: What is an opposite in a math term?
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Reciprocal would do in certain cases. 1 one tenth is the reciprocal of 10 in arithmetic 270º is the reciprocal of 90º in geometry Inverse would do as well - a reciprocal is an inverse for multiplication. negation means something like the opposition in logic. complement has the meaning of opposite in some cases. opposite is itself a math term- used in geometry as in the phrase "opposite side of a parallellogram".

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The opposite of x is -x.For example,the opposite of three is -3.The opposite of a negative number is positive.Fore example,the opposite of -7 is 7.

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