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coresponding is lines

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Q: What is corresponding in math?
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What is the math symbol for corresponding sides?

The symbol is §

In math what is a corresponding root?

please give the context.

What do you label area with in math?

Square units of the corresponding linear measurements.

What does cpctc mean in math?

'corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent'

In Math what is class frequency?

class frequency is the number of observations corresponding to a particular class.

What does corresponding angles mean in math terms?

When two lines are crossed by another line (called the Transversal): The angles in matching corners are called Corresponding Angles.

Help with math - similar shapes?

shapes where corresponding angles are the same and corresponding sides are in proportion. they are the same shape and one is either bigger or smaller than the other.

What are similar solids in math.?

These are solids whose corresponding sides are in the same proportion, and all its angles are equal.

What are som facts about similarity in math?

The 2 polygons must have corresponding angles. They also must have equivalent ratios.

What does CPCTC mean in math terms?

CPCTC is an acronym for the phrase 'corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent' It means that once we know that two triangles are congruent, we know that all corresponding sides and angles are congruent.

What is the answer middle school math with pizzazz c 23?

In the "Middle School Math with Pizzazz" series, the answer to C-23 will depend on the specific edition and version of the book you are using. These books typically contain a variety of math puzzles and problems for students to solve, with each answer corresponding to a specific exercise or question. To determine the answer to C-23, you will need to refer to the corresponding instructions and information provided in your specific version of the book.

What is meant by the determinant of a math equation?

A single math equation does not have a determinant. A system of equations (3x3 , 4x4, etc.) will have a determinant. You can find a determinant of a system by converting the system into a corresponding matrix and finding its determinant.