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Plot the y-axis, which is the b in the y=mx+b in the slope intercept equation. Then, you put your slope and plot the line.

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Q: What is first step in graphing using slope intercept form of an equation?
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Three methods in graphing linear equation?

table of values,x and y-intercept and slope and y-intercept

Graphing linear equation using the slope and y-intercept of the line?

The y-intercept, together with the slope of the line, can also be used in graphing linear equations. The slope and y-intercept of a line can be obtained easily by inspection if the equeation of the line is of the form y=mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

What is the slope intercept of an equation?

slope intercept is a kind of equation y=mx+b

What part of the general slope intercept equation represents the slope?

The general form of the slope-intercept equation is y = mx + b. In that equation, the slope is m and the y intercept is b.

What is the slope intercept form of this equation?

The slope-intercept form of an equation is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. Without the specific equation, it is not possible to determine the values of m and b for the slope-intercept form.

What part of the general slope-intercept equation represents the slope?

The slope-intercept form of an equation is: y = mx + b In this case, "m" is the slope, and "b" is the y-intercept.

When is slope-intercept form useful?

its useful in graphing! equations, inequalities, ect pretty much graphing!

Write the equation in slope intercept form of the line that has a slope of 2 and Y intercept of 2?

The slope-intercept form of an equation is: y = mx + b Just copy down this equation, then replace "m" with the slope, and "b" with the y-intercept.

How do you get a slope intercept slope?

Slope intercept is an equation of the form y=mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

How do you figure out the equation of a table with a graphic calculator?

It depends on which calculator! If the data is linear, you can estimate the slope of the line and the y-intercept from graphing the data. By graphing the data, you will be able to tell if it forms a straight line or not.

How the you Write the equation in slope-intercept form of the line that has a slope of 2 and y-intercept of -2?

slope-intercept from is y=mx+b, m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. put the values of the slope and y-intercept into the equation. y=2x-2

How do you write an equation in slope intercept form?

y= slope + y-intercept