Density is measured as mass per unit volume: not mass per unit area. Unless the material is of uniform thickness.Density is measured as mass per unit volume: not mass per unit area. Unless the material is of uniform thickness.Density is measured as mass per unit volume: not mass per unit area. Unless the material is of uniform thickness.Density is measured as mass per unit volume: not mass per unit area. Unless the material is of uniform thickness.
Usually hours.
A unit of measure of dosage of x-rays.
Radiation is measured in various units such as becquerels (Bq) for activity, gray (Gy) for absorbed dose, sievert (Sv) for equivalent dose, and rem (roentgen equivalent man) for dose equivalent. The choice of unit depends on the specific type of radiation being measured and the context in which it is being used.
Roentgen is the unit used to measure and account for a biological effect.
Force is measured in newton. Gram is a unit of mass, not of force.Force is measured in newton. Gram is a unit of mass, not of force.Force is measured in newton. Gram is a unit of mass, not of force.Force is measured in newton. Gram is a unit of mass, not of force.
Nolume is measured in unit meter cubed, m3.
The measurement unit depends on the characteristic that is being measured.
A unit of mass is measured in kilograms (kg) or grams (g).