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The answer is "no solution." ln(0) means e^x=0, and nothing raised to any power can ever equal zero.

The domain of y=lnx is (0,∞) and the range is (-∞,∞).

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Q: What is the Natural log of 0?
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How many types of logarithm?

Natural log Common log Binary log

What is value of 20log10?

20 log 10 = log (10^20) The actual value will depend upon the base use for the logarithm - "log" means logarithms taken to any base, and when calculated it gives to what power the base needs to be raised to get the original number. Two bases are used a lot and have specific abbreviations: * logs to base 10 are known as common logs and are usually abbreviated to "lg"; * logs to base e (= 2,71828...) are known as natural logs and are abbreviated to "ln". On a scientific calculator, the [log] button is common logs ([lg]). If [2][0][log][1][0][=] is entered on a modern Casio scientific calculator the result will be 20 × lg 10 = 20 x 1 = 20. On an older (or different model without "natural entry") scientific calculator [2][0][×][1][0][log][=] will need to be entered If natural logs are used: 20 log 10 = 20 ln 10 ≈ 20 × 2.303 +≈ 46.052.

If a number doubles it is raised to what power?

The answer really depends on what number you are doubling. Let's say that you wish to double the number a (which we assume is greater than 0). If we're raising a to the nth power, then n must satisfy the following equation: an = 2a Taking the natural log on both sides, n log a = log (2a), n = log (2a) / log a. So if we double the number a, it is raised to the log (2a) / log a power.

What is the logarithm of 4?

The 'common' log of 4 is 0.60206 (rounded) The 'natural' log of 4 is 1.3863 (rounded)

Any natural number and 0?

Any natural number and 0

Related questions

What is the domain of the natural log function?

The domain of y=lnx is (0,∞) and the range is (-∞,∞).

How do you make natural log to log with base of 10?

To make a natural log a log with the base of 10, you take ten to the power of you natural log. Ex: ln15=log10ln15=log510.5640138 I'm sorry if you don't have a calculator that can do this, but this will work.

How many types of logarithm?

Natural log Common log Binary log

Why log 0 is infinite?

the definition of log N = X is 10 to the X power =N for log 0 we have 10 to the x power = 0 The solution for x is that x is very large (infinite) and negative, that is, minus infinity As N gets smaller and smaller, log N approaches minus infinity log 1 = 0 log .1 = -1 log .001 = -3 log .000001 = -6 log 0 = -infinity

Why does the natural log of 0 not exist?

there is no power that you could possibly raise a base to, to equil 0. n^0=1and n^(a+bi)=a negative numberwere n is not 0were (a+bi) is a complex power

Rules of log?

Here are a few, note x>0 and y>0 and a&b not = 1 * log (xy) = log(x) + log(y) * log(x/y) = log(x) - log(y) * loga(x) = logb(x)*loga(b) * logb(bn) = n * log(xa) = a*log(x) * logb(b) = 1 * logb(1) = 0

What measurement is LN?

Natural log.

What is the natural log of i?

i * pi / 2.

What is value of 20log10?

20 log 10 = log (10^20) The actual value will depend upon the base use for the logarithm - "log" means logarithms taken to any base, and when calculated it gives to what power the base needs to be raised to get the original number. Two bases are used a lot and have specific abbreviations: * logs to base 10 are known as common logs and are usually abbreviated to "lg"; * logs to base e (= 2,71828...) are known as natural logs and are abbreviated to "ln". On a scientific calculator, the [log] button is common logs ([lg]). If [2][0][log][1][0][=] is entered on a modern Casio scientific calculator the result will be 20 × lg 10 = 20 x 1 = 20. On an older (or different model without "natural entry") scientific calculator [2][0][×][1][0][log][=] will need to be entered If natural logs are used: 20 log 10 = 20 ln 10 ≈ 20 × 2.303 +≈ 46.052.

What is the natural log of 100?

The natural log of 100 is about 4.605. The transcendental number e (about 2.718281828) raised to the power of 4.605 is 100.

What is log of 0?


Derivative of log?

The derivative of a log is as follows: 1 divided by xlnb Where x is the number beside the log Where b is the base of the log and ln is just the natural log.