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-ln|cos x| + C

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Q: What is the anti-derivative of a tangent function?
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What is the antiderivative of zero?

The antiderivative of a function which is equal to 0 everywhere is a function equal to 0 everywhere.

Is the tangent function periodic?

Yes, the tangent function is periodic.

How integration is reverse process of differentiation?

For example, the derivate of x2 is 2x; then, an antiderivative of 2x is x2. That is to say, you need to find a function whose derivative is the given function. The antiderivative is also known as the indifinite integral. If you can find an antiderivative for a function, it is fairly easy to find the area under the curve of the original function - i.e., the definite integral.

What is an antiderivative?

It is an inverse function of a derivative, also known as an integral.

Let f be an odd function with antiderivative F. Prove that F is an even function. Note we do not assume that f is continuous or even integrable.?

An antiderivative, F, is normally defined as the indefinite integral of a function f. F is differentiable and its derivative is f.If you do not assume that f is continuous or even integrable, then your definition of antiderivative is required.

Is tangent an even function?


What is the function which outputs an angle when a tangent value is input?

The inverse tangent, also called the arc-tangent.

What do the asymptotes represent when you graph the tangent function?

When you graph a tangent function, the asymptotes represent x values 90 and 270.

What is arc tg?

It is probably arctan or arc tangent, the inverse of the tangent function.

What is a function whose graph has one or more breaks?

The tan [tangent] function.When a function has two or more brakes, this is not a continuous function, but it can be a continuous function in some intervals such as the tangent does.

Can a function have more than one antiderivative?

yes, look at the function f(x)=3x^2 The antiderivative is x^3+C where C is the constant and is more than one value for C. In fact, 3x^2 will have an infinite number of antiderivatives.

What is the reciprocal of a tangent?

It is the cotangent function.