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It is x|x|/2 + C

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Q: What is the anti-derivative of the absolute value of x?
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How can you calculate the arbitrary constant in the solution to an antiderivative?

You can't, unless it's an initial value problem. If f(x) is an antiderivative to g(x), then so is f(x) + c, for any c at all.

What is the absolute value of -19?

The absolute value of 19 is 19. If x is positive , absolute x equals x.

What is the absolute value of x minus the absolute value of x?

zero. The absolute value of a number is just the positive version of that number, so the absolute value of x is x, and x minus x is zero.

What is the antiderivative of x to the -1?

Antiderivative of x/-1 = -1(x^2)/2 + C = (-1/2)(x^2) + C Wolfram says antiderivative of x^-1 is log(x) + C

What is the anti derivative of 1 divided by x?

If f(x)=1/x then F(x)=antiderivative of f(x)=ln(|x|) (the natural log of the absolute value of x) There's another way of reading this question. The anti derivative of 1 is x+c. Dividing that by x gives you 1 + c/x

What is the antiderivative of x to the 1?

By antiderivative do you mean integral? If yes, integral x^1 dx= (x^2)/2

What is the absolute value of x?

Abs(x) = x when x >= 0Abs(x) = -x when x < 0.In short, abs(x) is the distance from the origin to x, irrespective of whether it is to the left or right.

What is the absolute value of a negative integers?

The absolute value of a number is how many spaces the number is away from 0. So if the number was 32, the absolute value would be 32. And if the number was -54, then the absolute value would be 54. ========== The definition of "absolute value" for a number x (written as |x| ) is: |x| = x for x &gt;0 |x| = 0 for x=0 |x| = -x for x&lt;0

How do you find the absolute value of something?

If a number is not less than zero then that is its absolute value. If a number is less than zero, its negative is its absolute value. So, if |x| denotes the absolute value of x, then |x| = -x for x&lt;0 [since if x&lt;0 then -x&gt;0] and |x| = x for x&gt;= 0

Absolute value of 1.5?

The absolute value of a positive number is the same number - in this case, 1.5. The absolute value of a negative number is the number, without the sign. Note that the absolute value of an expression like (-x) is not necessarily (x); rather, you have to separately consider the case that x is positive, or that x is negative. For example, the absolute value of x is x (if x is positive), or (-x) (if x is negative).

What is the antiderivative of x to the negative 6 5ths?

(that weird integral or antiderivative sign) x^(-6/5) dx =-5*x^(-1/5)

What is the absolute value of the opposite of x?

The absolute value of the opposite of x is x. The absolute value is the number's distance from zero on a number line. Distance can not be negative, so basically, to find the absolute value of a number you just need to make it positive. The opposite of x is -x. |-x|=x - you make the x positive Of course, if x, to begin with, represents a negative (less than zero) number than the absolute value would be -x. For example if x=-3, the opposite value of x would be 3 and the absolute value of x would also be 3 which happens to be -x.