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Q: What is the capacity of a container that has a volume of 16m3?
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What is the volume of the capacity?

Capacity is the volume of the container.

What Does Capacity Have To Do With Volume?

Capacity refers to the maximum amount that something can hold, while volume is the amount of space that an object occupies. In essence, capacity is related to how much a container can hold, while volume refers to the amount of substance within the container.

How much substance can a container hold?

The amount of substance a container can hold depends on the volume or capacity of the container. This can be measured in liters, milliliters, gallons, or any other unit of volume. The container's size and shape will determine its capacity.

What is the amount of material a container can be hold its capacity?

Volume (or capacity) describes this.

What is the amount a container holds?

The amount a container will hold is the volume of the container. It is also the Capacity if the container has liquid in it.

What is the Formula to find capacity when given volume?

Capacity is the same as the volume of the inside of a container. Often, in mathematical exercises, the internal and external volumes are assumed to be the same (ie thickness of the container is zero). In this case, the capacity is the same as the internal or external volume.

What is the definition of capacity in math?

The amount or volume a container can hold.

What is the amount a container can hold when filled?

The amount a container can hold is called the volume, measured in litres if you're using the metric system(SI.) The answer is capacity or the volume of the container and it depends on how big the container is!

Definition of capacity means in math?

The amount or volume an container can hold.

How is cubic units useful?

They allow you to describe the volume of a substance or the capacity of a container.

The amount of fluid a container can hold is called what?

It is usually called the capacity. It is basically the same thing as the volume.

How would you measure the capacity of the explain?

The capacity of a container can be measured by determining the maximum amount of liquid or material it can hold. This can be done by filling the container with a known quantity of water and measuring the volume, or by using the container's dimensions to calculate its capacity based on its shape.