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centre is the midpoint of the line

→ centre = ((-2 + 6)/2, (8 + 4)/2) = (2, 6)

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It is (2, 6).

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Q: What is the center of the circle with the endpoints of the diameter at -2 8 and 6 4?
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What is the center of the circle with a diameter whose endpoints are (27) and (-6-1)?

Diameter endpoints: (2, 7) and (-6, -1) Centre of circle will be the midpoint which is: (-2, 3)

What are the coordinates of the center of a circle whose diameter has the endpoints (1 4) and (-3 -3)?

Its center is at (-1, 1/2)

Does diameter has 2 endpoints that are on the circle?

Yes, it have.

A diameter of a circle has endpoints P(-10-2) and Q(46) a.)find the center of the circle b.)find the radius. if your answer is not an integer express it in radical form c.)write an eqaution for the ci?

Endpoints of diameter: (-10, -2) and (4, 6)Midpoint which is the center of the circle: (-3, 2)Radius of the circle: square root of 65Equation of the circle: (x+3)^2 +(y-2)^2 = 65

What is the center of the circle that has a diameter whose endpoints are 1 3 and -7 -1?

Diameter is the square root of (1--7)2+(3--1)2 = 4 times sq rt of 5 Circles center coordinates: (-3, 1)

What is the center of the circle that has endpoints are 2 7 and -6 -1?

A circle cannot have end points!

How do you find the center of the circle given the endpoints of the diameter in coordinate geometry?

First, find the coordinates of the diameter midpoint. For example, the endpoints of a diameter have coordinates of (x1, y1) = (1, 2) and (x2, y2) = (7, 6). By the midpoint formula we have: (xm, ym) = [(x2 - x1)/2, (y2 - y1)/2] = [(7 - 1)/2, (6 - 2)/2] = (3, 2) Since (x1, y1) it is the closest point to the origin, the coordinates of the center of the circle are: (xc, yc) = (xm + x1, ym + y1) = (3 + 1, 2 + 2) = (4, 4).

What is the equation of a circle when the endpoints of its diameter are at 10 -4 and 2 2 on the Cartesian plane?

Endpoints: (10, -4) and (2, 2) Midpoint: (6, -1) which is the centre of the circle Distance from (6, -1) to (10, -4) or (2, 2): 5 which is the radius of the circle Therefore equation of the circle: (x-6)^2 + (y+1)^2 = 25

What is the length of the diameter of a circle if the endpoints of the diameter are at the points 4 2 and 6 1?

It works out as the square root of 5 or about 2.236 to three decimal places

Two of the endpoints of the diameter of a circle are at A -6 and 8 and B 6 and -8 1. determine the radius of the circle 2. state an equation of the circle I appreciate the help.?


How is the diameter and radius similar?

diameter is 2 times the length of the radius and is a line straight through the center of the circle. radius is half of the diameter and is a line from the center to a edge of the circle

What is 2 parts of a circle?

Parts of a circle include the diameter, circumference, radius, and center. The diameter of a circle is a chord passing through the center. The center is a single point at which the distance to locations on the circumference are equal. The circumference is the perimeter of the circle. The radius of the circle is half the diameter, and the distance from the center to a point on the outlying circumference.