you can put it in decimals or fractions or in a percentage
Four hundred fifty and 05/100 dollars
the correct way is to simply write 3 and a colon following it then write down 2 zeroes followed by hrs
1012 is the correct way to write it but if you mean in words the 1 thousand and twelfth
This way: eight and five hundred fifty-two ten-thousandths.
you can put it in decimals or fractions or in a percentage
In much the same way as anyone writes decimals.
Three hundred fifty million.
Five hundred eighty and five hundredths.
The correct way to write the species name for human beings is Homo sapiens, with both words italicized and the genus name capitalized.
The correct way to write it is ' 120 '.The correct way to say it is "One hundred twenty".
First you write the decimals one under the other, in such as way that the decimal points are aligned.
Four hundred fifty and 05/100 dollars
"Four hundred fifty million" is how to write 450,000,000 in words.