A gradual slope is easier to drive a vehicle over than an excessively steep slope. As a cyclist, I want a gradual slope, anything steeper would mean dismounting and walking to the top of the steep slope.
Steep slope on a distance/time graph indicates high speed.
This is unrelated. A steep line has a LARGE slope. The slope is positive if the line goes up from left to right; negative if it goes down from left to right.
A gradual slope is easier to drive a vehicle over than an excessively steep slope. As a cyclist, I want a gradual slope, anything steeper would mean dismounting and walking to the top of the steep slope.
You can tell if a landform has a steep or gentle slope by looking at it. If the hill is small, it is not steep. A steep slope would be at more of an incline.
The continental rise.
A gentle slope is also known as a gradual incline or a slight gradient.
When contour lines are far apart on a topographic map, it indicates a gentle slope or flat terrain. The spacing between contour lines represents the steepness of the terrain, with wider spacing indicating a more gradual slope.
Widely spaced contour lines indicate a gradual slope, while closely spaced lines indicate a steep slope.
How steep the slope is.
What kind of good has a steep slope?
A steep slope, due to the velocity of the water/runoff.
steep slope with a flat plateau on top
the same thing as a steep slope in Asia