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Step 1: Solve for y so that your equation is in the form of y=mx+b

Step 2: your m value is your y- intercept. So put the point (0,m) on the graph

Step 3: your b value is your slope of the equation. If your b value is already a fraction then the numerator is your "rise" and the denominator is your "run." If your b value is not a fraction then just make it into one by putting a fraction bar and a 1 underneath it. Now starting from the first point you put, go up or down the amount of your "rise" and mark the point. Positive is up and negative is down. For example if your "rise" is -3 then go down three points from your y intercept. Now from your second point, go left or right depending on your "run" and make a point. Positive is right and negative is left. For example, if my "run" is 5 then I will move 5 right and make a point.

Step 4: Connect your first and third point with a straight line and extend the line. Put arrow heads on both ends of your line and that is your equation of a line on a graph.

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Slope-Intercept form is the form y=mx+b. Sketching the graph involves plotting the line on the coordinate plane. The easiest way to do that is to create two different points from the equation, plot them on the graph and trace a line through them with a ruler. Showing your steps means showing how you got the equation. Make sure that any math you do in your head you put on the paper. Other than that I don't know how to answer this. Was there supposed to be an actual equation with it?

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I think you are trying to use the equation y = mx +b, but that form is useful only when m is a number. If the slope is infinite, or "undefined", the line is a vertical line on the graph and its equation is x = c (constant) If the line passes through some given point (x0,y0), then the equation of the line is x = x0 . There no Y-intercept unless x0 = 0 so the equation of the line is x = 0 , In this special case the graph is exactly the Y-axis so, in a way, every point on it is a Y-intercept or a value for b.

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